Features Introduced in the 9.7.0 Windows Release

This section provides details about the new features introduced in the Windows 9.7.0 release.

Tracking Usage in Isolated Networks

Sentinel RMS v9.7 is enhanced to extend support for tracking usage in isolated environments. This is applicable for standalone and network licenses for the On-premises Deployment Mode.

Following are some of the key points and changes made for enabling this feature:

>This feature is available for users of SCL (Sentinel Cloud Licensing) Add-on for RMS only.

>This feature works only with license version 21.

Sentinel RMS 9.7.0 Release Notes





>Linux ARM

>The SCP service has to be configured to run in offline_updated mode for using this feature.

>The usageInfo query for the sntl_licensing_get_info API is introduced.

>The readyUsageForUpload action for the sntl_licensing_transfer API is introduced.

>Existing sample sntl_tool for C, Java, and .NET interface is updated to include:

New option for obtaining usage path information.

New option for completing ready usage for upload operation.

>A new sample for C, sntl_process_ack is provided for deleting usage data on the source machine.

>For usage persistence cleaning using cleaning library and lsclean utility, new options are added.

>For usage persistence cleaning using cleaning library, new options are added.

>This feature is available with SCL version 5.2.

New RMS License Version v21

In Sentinel RMS v9.7, license version 21 is introduced to support usage generation for isolated networks.

New Mode Introduced for Sentinel Cloud Plug-in (SCP) Service

Under this enhancement, the following changes are made:

>The offline_uploaded mode is introduced for the SCP service. This mode is used for processing usage data (for isolated networks) on the proxy machine.

>The offline_uploaded mode supports Windows and Linux only.

NOTE   The SCP service is available with the Sentinel Cloud Licensing (SCL) Add-on package.

SCL Add-on for RMS Version 5.2

Sentinel RMS v9.7 supports Sentinel Cloud Licensing (SCL) Add-on v5.2.

New Operating System for Sentinel RMS SDK

From Sentinel RMS v9.7 onwards, support for the Linux ARM operating system is added.

New Operating System for SCL Add-on for RMS

From Sentinel RMS v9.7 onwards, support for the Linux ARM operating system is added for users of SCL Add-on.

NOTE   It is important to note that only standalone mode is supported here.

Enhancement in Vendor Usage Data Behavior for SCL Add-on for RMS

Vendor usage data attribute set for an API (login_attr/refresh_attr/logout_attr) will not impact any later API calls.

API Builder Enhancements

On the API Builder GUI, a new API category named Licensing Utility has been created. In this category, three API functions have been added:




These APIs are available for C, C#, VB.NET, and Java programming languages.

Documentation Related Information

New Document Title for SCP Guide

The Sentinel Cloud Plug-in (SCP) Installation and Configuration Guide is renamed to Sentinel Cloud Licensing (SCL) Add-on Installation and Configuration Guide.